Welcome to the first instalment of my interview series, today's interview is with Leillah blogger and founder of NoScrunchie. I hope you enjoy this weeks interview, if you would like to be featured please email me at uncovertheuntold@gmail.com.
Tell us three interesting facts about you.
I am an accountant by day and work on NoScrunchie by night.
I am a mother to the chattiest 3 year old on earth.
I used to play table tennis for the Uganda team. (when I was much younger)
Do you have any hair style icons and if so whose hair do you admire?
Kelly Rowland. She is adventurous with her hairstyles but always looks amazing.
What was your inspiration to create your website No Scrunchie?
I moved from Uganda in 2004 and found it really hard to find consistently good afro salons. The customer service was appalling, the salons looked like it was the 80s and the staff were unskilled. NoScrunchie was set up to make salons accountable and create a better afro salon experience for all women.
I know you also have a blog, where do you draw your inspiration from for your blog posts?
We blog about all things hair and beauty. We have a heavy interest in hair, from products to salons and their stylists and do have guest bloggers talking about healthy hair.
Name 3 of your favourite Bloggers/Youtubers, why do you like to follow them?
Beauty Pulse London for all things beauty.
My Long Hair Journey because they write about both relaxed and natural hair.
Lotions, Potions and Me, she always blogs about products I would like to try.
Name 3 of your favourite Bloggers/Youtubers, why do you like to follow them?
If you would like to be featured in an interview, why not email me at uncovertheuntold@gmail.com

If you would like to be featured in an interview, why not email me at uncovertheuntold@gmail.com
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