It’s been a little while since I uploaded a video, but my exams are over and summer has officially started. So what better way to get back into the swing of making videos than with an update vlog?!
Firstly, I bought a new camera and it’s so pretty. I’m looking forward to filming more videos and getting out and about taking pictures with it. I will also be starting two new features from next week. Monday Moments which will be little motivational blog posts to start your week off right. The second feature will be Sample Sundays, I’m often trying out new products and this feature will effectively be my review space. I’ll be reviewing all things beauty and lifestyle related from nail varnish to the latest book I've read, app I've downloaded and much more.
I’m super excited and would love to get your suggestions so don’t forget to leave a comment below.

you look so gorgeous here!! :)
Thank you :)